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 date /ˈdet/

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 日期 DT

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 現代的; 檔案內容更新

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From: Network Terminology


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Date, v. i. To have beginning; to begin; to be dated or reckoned; -- with from.
    The Batavian republic dates from the successes of the French arms.   --E. Everett.
    a concrete and dateable happening --C. W. Shumaker

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Date, n. Bot. The fruit of the date palm; also, the date palm itself.
 Note:This fruit is somewhat in the shape of an olive, containing a soft pulp, sweet, esculent, and wholesome, and inclosing a hard kernel.
 Date palm, or Date tree Bot., the genus of palms which bear dates, of which common species is Phœnix dactylifera. See Illust.
 Date plum Bot., the fruit of several species of Diospyros, including the American and Japanese persimmons, and the European lotus (Diospyros Lotus).
 Date shell, or Date fish Zool., a bivalve shell, or its inhabitant, of the genus Pholas, and allied genera. See Pholas.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Date n.
 1. That addition to a writing, inscription, coin, etc., which specifies the time (as day, month, and year) when the writing or inscription was given, or executed, or made; as, the date of a letter, of a will, of a deed, of a coin. etc.
    And bonds without a date, they say, are void.   --Dryden.
 2. The point of time at which a transaction or event takes place, or is appointed to take place; a given point of time; epoch; as, the date of a battle.
 He at once,
 Down the long series of eventful time,
 So fixed the dates of being, so disposed
 To every living soul of every kind
 The field of motion, and the hour of rest.   --Akenside.
 3. Assigned end; conclusion. [R.]
    What Time would spare, from Steel receives its date.   --Pope.
 4. Given or assigned length of life; dyration. [Obs.]
    Good luck prolonged hath thy date.   --Spenser.
    Through his life's whole date.   --Chapman.
 To bear date, to have the date named on the face of it; -- said of a writing.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Date, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dated; p. pr. & vb. n. Dating.]
 1. To note the time of writing or executing; to express in an instrument the time of its execution; as, to date a letter, a bond, a deed, or a charter.
 2. To note or fix the time of, as of an event; to give the date of; as, to date the building of the pyramids.
 Note:We may say dated at or from a place.
    The letter is dated at Philadephia.   --G. T. Curtis.
    You will be suprised, I don't question, to find among your correspondencies in foreign parts, a letter dated from Blois.   --Addison.
    In the countries of his jornal seems to have been written; parts of it are dated from them.   --M. Arnold.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: the specified day of the month; "what is the date today?"
           [syn: day of the month]
      2: a particular day specified as the time something will
         happen; "the date of the election is set by law"
      3: a meeting arranged in advance; "she asked how to avoid
         kissing at the end of a date" [syn: appointment, engagement]
      4: a particular but unspecified point in time; "they hoped to
         get together at an early date"
      5: the present; "they are up to date"; "we haven't heard from
         them to date"
      6: a participant in a date; "his date never stopped talking"
         [syn: escort]
      7: the particular day, month, or year (usually according to the
         Gregorian calendar) that an event occurred; "he tried to
         memorizes all the dates for his history class"
      8: sweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody
      v 1: go on a date with; "Tonight she is dating a former high
           school sweetheart"
      2: stamp with a date; "The package is dated November 24" [syn:
         date stamp]
      3: assign a date to; determine the (probable) date of;
         "Scientists often cannot date precisely archeological or
         prehistorical findings"
      4: date regularly; have a steady relationship with; "Did you
         know that she is seeing an older man?"; "He is dating his
         former wife again!" [syn: go steady, go out, see]
      5: provide with a dateline; mark with a date; "She wrote the
         letter on Monday but she dated it Saturday so as not to
         reveal that she procrastinated"

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    the fruit of a species of palm (q.v.), the Phoenix dactilifera.
    This was a common tree in Palestine (Joel 1:12; Neh. 8:15). Palm
    branches were carried by the Jews on festive occasions, and
    especially at the feast of Tabernacles (Lev. 23:40; Neh. 8:15).