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5 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 evo·lu·tion /ˌɛvəˈluʃən, ˌivə-/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 evo·lu·tion /ˌɛvəˈluʃən , ˌɪvə-/ 名詞

From: Network Terminology


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ev·o·lu·tion n.
 1. The act of unfolding or unrolling; hence, any process of growth or development; as, the evolution of a flower from a bud, or an animal from the egg.
 2. A series of things unrolled or unfolded. “The whole evolution of ages.”
 3. Geom. The formation of an involute by unwrapping a thread from a curve as an evolute.
 4. Arith. & Alg. The extraction of roots; -- the reverse of involution.
 5. Mil. & Naval A prescribed movement of a body of troops, or a vessel or fleet; any movement designed to effect a new arrangement or disposition; a maneuver.
    Those evolutions are best which can be executed with the greatest celerity, compatible with regularity.   --Campbell.
 6. Biol. A general name for the history of the steps by which any living organism has acquired the morphological and physiological characters which distinguish it; a gradual unfolding of successive phases of growth or development.
 7. Biol.  That theory of generation which supposes the germ to preëxist in the parent, and its parts to be developed, but not actually formed, by the procreative act; -- opposed to epigenesis.
 8. Metaph. That series of changes under natural law which involves continuous progress from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous in structure, and from the single and simple to the diverse and manifold in quality or function.  The process is by some limited to organic beings; by others it is applied to the inorganic and the psychical.  It is also applied to explain the existence and growth of institutions, manners, language, civilization, and every product of human activity.  The agencies and laws of the process are variously explained by different philosophrs.
    Evolution is to me series with development.   --Gladstone.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a process in which something passes by degrees to a
           different stage (especially a more advanced or mature
           stage); "the development of his ideas took many years";
           "the evolution of Greek civilization"; "the slow
           development of her skill as a writer" [syn: development]
           [ant: degeneration]
      2: (biology) the sequence of events involved in the
         evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group
         of organisms [syn: phylogeny, phylogenesis]