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5 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 man·gle /ˈmæŋgəl/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Man·gle v. t. [imp. & p. p. Mangled p. pr. & vb. n. Mangling ]
 1. To cut or bruise with repeated blows or strokes, making a ragged or torn wound, or covering with wounds; to tear in cutting; to cut in a bungling manner; to lacerate; to mutilate.
    Mangled with ghastly wounds through plate and mail.   --Milton.
 2. To mutilate or injure, in making, doing, or performing; as, to mangle a piece of music or a recitation.
    To mangle a play or a novel.   --Swift.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 man·gle, n.  A machine for smoothing linen or cotton cloth, as sheets, tablecloths, napkins, and clothing, by roller pressure, often with heated rollers.
 Mangle rack Mach., a contrivance for converting continuous circular motion into reciprocating rectilinear motion, by means of a rack and pinion, as in the mangle. The pinion is held to the rack by a groove in such a manner that it passes alternately from one side of the rack to the other, and thus gives motion to it in opposite directions, according to the side in which its teeth are engaged.
 Mangle wheel, a wheel in which the teeth, or pins, on its face, are interrupted on one side, and the pinion, working in them, passes from inside to outside of the teeth alternately, thus converting the continuous circular motion of the pinion into a reciprocating circular motion of the wheel.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Man·gle v. t.  To smooth with a mangle, as damp linen or cloth.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n : clothes dryer for drying and ironing laundry by passing it
          between two heavy heated rollers
      v 1: press with a mangle; "mangle the sheets"
      2: injure badly by beating [syn: maul]
      3: alter so as to make unrecognizable; "The tourists murdered
         the French language" [syn: mutilate, murder]
      4: destroy or injure severely; "The madman mutilates art work"
         [syn: mutilate, cut up]